Lab04 Exercises#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean


  • Review some fundamental concepts that are common to most geospatial analysis

  • Learn basic operations with Geopandas

  • Explore coordinate systems, projections and transformations, geometry types

  • Understand how different projections can distort measurements and visualizations

  • Create more sophisticated visualizations involving multiple layers and data types

Part 1: Exploring CRS and Projections#

Import necessary modules#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import fiona
import pyproj
#%matplotlib widget
%matplotlib inline

Load sample vector data: world polygons#

  • See example (and lots of relevant info):

  • This GeoDataFrame containing attributes and Polygon geometries for all countries is conveniently bundled with Geopandas

#Student Exercise

Inspect the world GeoDataFrame#

  • Review the columns

  • Note geometry types: both Polygon and MultiPolygon - why the difference? 🤔

#Student Exercise
pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est geometry
0 920938 Oceania Fiji FJI 8374.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 -16.06713, 180.00000...
1 53950935 Africa Tanzania TZA 150600.0 POLYGON ((33.90371 -0.95000, 34.07262 -1.05982...
2 603253 Africa W. Sahara ESH 906.5 POLYGON ((-8.66559 27.65643, -8.66512 27.58948...
3 35623680 North America Canada CAN 1674000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -122.9742...
4 326625791 North America United States of America USA 18560000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -120.0000...

Check the coordinate reference system (crs)#

#Student Exercise

Look up this EPSG code online#

  • See top of crs output

  • Burn this code in your brain

  • What are units? ✍️

#Student Exercise

Plot the GeoDataFrame using the convenient plot method with default settings#

#Student Exercise

Change the world!#

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Workaround for Antarctica (more discussion later)#

from shapely.geometry import box
crs = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(3857)
bounds = crs.area_of_use.bounds
gpd.clip(world, box(*bounds)).to_crs('EPSG:3857').plot();

Take a moment to consider the two plots 🤔#

  • Note the range of axes tick labels and units

  • Note map distortion

Define a custom projection#

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Reproject and plot#

  • Use GeoPandas to_crs() method to reproject the world GeoDataFrame using your local projection, reducing our beautiful multidimensional universe to a 2D plot

  • The plot() method returns a matplotlib axes object - store this as new variable called ax

  • Modify this axes object to add thin, black horizontal lines where y=0 and a vertical line where x=0, producing “crosshairs” on the origin

    • See the matplotlib axvline() and axhline() methods

    • The “line width” keyword lw may be useful

#Student Exercise

Again, again!#

  • Let’s experiment with a few additional projections, creating plots like the one above with crosshairs for the origin

  • This time, use some EPSG codes

  • Try the following:

    • EPSG:3031 - South Polar Stereographic (see if you can find Antarctica, might need to zoom in)

    • The EPSG code for the UTM zone on WGS84 ellipsoid that contains Seattle

    • US National Atlas Equal area (EPSG:2163)

    • One or more additional EPSG codes of your choosing

  • Since we have to do this several times, maybe it would be good to define a function that accepts a geodataframe and an EPSG code as arguments, then does the reprojection and plotting (no need to return anything at this point). Then we could use a simple for loop to call the function for each EPSG code! Nice and clean, and better than copying/pasting.

  • Note: you may see some strange issues with “lines” across the map, or an apparently empty map (try zooming in on 0,0). You didn’t do anything wrong, see next section…

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

OK, something isn’t right with some of these maps#

  • Note some polygons (countries) cross the antimeridian (-180°/+180° lon) or one of the poles (+90° or -90° lat, like, say Antarctica). Or polygons could extend beyond the valid extent for the target projection. These polygons won’t render correctly.

    • If using a regional projection for local or regional analysis (e.g., UTM or state plane coordinate system), you probably don’t care about polygons from the other side of the planet anyway.

    • The solution is to isolate or clip polygons of interest before reprojecting.

Isolate North American polygons#

  • Start with a quick inspection of the world GeoDataFrame

  • You should be able to use the standard Pandas “selection by label” approach (.loc) to isolate records for countries in North America

    • This can be done using a conditional statement, which will return a boolean array for selection

    • Store the output in a new GeoDataFrame

  • Regenerate the same plots (with your handy function!) using this new GeoDataFrame

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

That looks better!#

  • Note the location of the origin, apparent size and distortion of polygons (e.g., Mexico, Alaska and Greenland) on each plot 🤔

Part 2: ICESat may be dead, but the points live on…#

  • Let’s continue to play with the CONUS GLAS dataset to explore projections using GeoPandas

Load the existing csv into a Pandas DataFrame#

  • Define the relative path to the csv as in previous labs

  • Use the amazing Pandas read_csv() function to load as a Pandas DataFrame

  • Run a quick head() on your DataFrame to make sure everything looks right

#Make sure you update with your relative path to the csv!
glas_fn = '../01_Shell_Github/data/GLAH14_tllz_conus_lulcfilt_demfilt.csv'
glas_df = pd.read_csv(glas_fn)
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc
0 2003.139571 731266.943345 44.157897 -105.356562 1398.51 1400.52 0.33 31
1 2003.139571 731266.943346 44.150175 -105.358116 1387.11 1384.64 0.43 31
2 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.148632 -105.358427 1392.83 1383.49 0.28 31
3 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.147087 -105.358738 1384.24 1382.85 0.84 31
4 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.145542 -105.359048 1369.21 1380.24 1.73 31

Convert the Pandas DataFrame to a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame#

#Student Exercise
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry
0 2003.139571 731266.943345 44.157897 -105.356562 1398.51 1400.52 0.33 31 POINT (-105.35656 44.15790)
1 2003.139571 731266.943346 44.150175 -105.358116 1387.11 1384.64 0.43 31 POINT (-105.35812 44.15017)
2 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.148632 -105.358427 1392.83 1383.49 0.28 31 POINT (-105.35843 44.14863)
3 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.147087 -105.358738 1384.24 1382.85 0.84 31 POINT (-105.35874 44.14709)
4 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.145542 -105.359048 1369.21 1380.24 1.73 31 POINT (-105.35905 44.14554)
#Student Exercise

A note on Point geometry objects#

Set the GeoDataFrame CRS#

#Student Exercise

Run a quick check to make sure CRS is set correctly!#

  • Inspect the crs for your GeoDataFrame

#Student Exercise
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Get bounding box (extent) and center (lon, lat) of GLAS points#

  • See GeoPandas API reference. In this case, you want the total_bounds attribute:

    • Try to avoid copying/pasting and hardcoding values - store the output from total_bounds as a new variable, then use the array indices to get the corresponding min/max values

    • Note that bounds will return the bounds of each record in the GeoDataFrame (in this case, just the point coordinates), while total_bounds returns the union for all records

  • Center can be calculated from the min/max extent values in each dimension

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Alternative approach using convex hull

Plot the points using the convenience plot method of the GeoDataFrame#

  • Note that unlike the Pandas scatterplot function, you no longer need to specify the DataFrame columns containing the x and y values - GeoPandas will assume you want to use x and y values in Geometry objects

  • Color points by ‘glas_z’ values

    • Note: GeoPandas syntax for this is slightly different than Pandas

  • Set point size appropriately

  • Add a colorbar

  • Don’t specify a figsize for this plot (though fine to do this elsewhere), just use the default figure size.

#Student Exercise

Geographic coordinate sanity check#

OK, great, GeoPandas makes creating this plot a little easier than last week.

Now, let’s dig a little deeper and think about this map.

Note that the default aspect ratio for the above map is ‘equal’, so the x and y scaling is the same

  • Check this by quickly using a ruler or piece of paper to measure the distance spanned by 10° on each axis on your screen (in mm)


Discuss the following with your neighbor/group and provide answers in the notebook:

  1. Are there any potential issues with this scaling for our geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees)? ✍️

Do the following quick calculations for a spherical Earth (or attempt some more sophisticated geodetic distance calculations, if desired). Drawing a quick sketch is likely useful as you think through this (no need to reproduce your sketch here).

  1. ✍️ What is the length (in km) of a degree of latitude at:

    • 0° latitude (equator)

    • 90° latitude (pole)

    • 35° latitude? 49° latitude? (these are the approximate min and max latitude values of the GLAS point data)

  2. ✍️What is the length (in km) of a degree of longitude at:

    • 0° latitude (equator)

    • 90° latitude (pole)

    • 35° latitude? 49° latitude?

  3. Based on these values, does your map above have an equal aspect ratio in terms of true distance (in km)? ✍️

#Student Exercise

Extra credit#

Create a plot showing the relationship between the length of a degree of longitude in km as a function of latitude in decimal degrees for a range of 0 to 90 degrees latitude. Add two red points for 35 and 49. Fine to assume a spherical earth with average radius.

#Student Exercise

Hmmm. So how do we deal with these scaling issues?

Part 3: Use a projected coordinate system!#

We need to choose a map projection that is appropriate for our data and objectives. This decision is important for visualization, but is also critical for precise quantitative analysis. For example, if you want to analyze area or volume change, you should use an equal-area projection. If you want to analyze distances between points, you should use an equidistant projection.

Sadly, there is no “perfect” projection.

You, as the mapmaker or data analyst, are responsible for choosing a projection with the right characteristics for your purposes. Let’s explore a bit further, and we’ll revisit some general guidelines later.

Use GeoPandas to reproject your GeoDataFrame#

  • Start by reprojecting the points to a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 11N on the WGS84 Ellipsoid

    • You’ll have to look up the appropriate EPSG code

  • Store the output as a new GeoDataFrame with a unique name (e.g., glas_gdf_utm)

  • Do a quick head() and note the new values in the geometry column

#Student Exercise
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry
0 2003.139571 731266.943345 44.157897 -105.356562 1398.51 1400.52 0.33 31 POINT (1431183.070 4955789.787)
1 2003.139571 731266.943346 44.150175 -105.358116 1387.11 1384.64 0.43 31 POINT (1431181.915 4954913.882)
2 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.148632 -105.358427 1392.83 1383.49 0.28 31 POINT (1431181.639 4954738.855)
3 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.147087 -105.358738 1384.24 1382.85 0.84 31 POINT (1431181.394 4954563.604)
4 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.145542 -105.359048 1369.21 1380.24 1.73 31 POINT (1431181.226 4954388.366)

Create a new plot of the reprojected points#

  • Note the new coordinate system origin (0,0), units, and aspect ratio

#Student Exercise

OK, what did we just do?#

Under the hood, GeoPandas used the pyproj library (a Python API for PROJ) to transform each point from one coordinate system to another coordinate system.

I guarantee that you’ve all done this kind of thing before, you may just not remember it or recognize it in this context. See:

Transforming coordinates on the surface of the same reference ellipsoid is pretty straightforward. Things start to get more complicated when you include different ellipsoid models, horizontal/vertical datums, etc. Oh, also the Earth’s surface is not static - plate tectonics make everything more complicated, as time becomes important, some coordinate systems remain “fixed” relative to a moving plate (e.g., NAD83), and transformations must include a “kinematic” component.

Fortunately, the PROJ library ( has generalized much of the complicated math for geodetic coordinate transformations. It’s been under development since the 1980s, and our understanding of the Earth’s shape and plate motions has changed dramatically in that time period (thanks to GNSS like GPS and other satellite observations). So, still pretty complicated, and there are different levels of support/sophistication in the tools/libraries that use PROJ (like GeoPandas).

We aren’t going to get into the details here, but feel free to take a look at the Transformations section here to get a sense of how this is actually accomplished:

Define a custom projection for Western U.S.#

The UTM projection we used above is not the best choice for our data, which actually span 4 UTM zones: Each UTM zone is a north-south “slice” of the Earth’s surface covering 6° of longitude around a central meridian.

We used UTM Zone 11N, and while distortion should be limited around the -117°W central meridian, it will increase with distance beyond the -120° to -114°W zone boundaries.

Let’s instead use a custom Albers Equal Area (AEA) projection to minimize area distoration over the full spatial extent of our GLAS points.

To do this, we’ll define a PROJ string (, which can be interpreted by most Python geopackages (like pyproj).

This interactive tool might be useful to explore some options for a user-defined bounding box:

The Albers Equal Area projection definition requires two standard parallels: Here, we will also specify the center latitude and center longitude for the coordinate system origin.

  • Define a custom Albers Equal Area proj string '+proj=aea...'

  • Use the center longitude and latitude of the GLAS points you calculated earlier

  • Define the two standard parallels (lines of latitude) based on the latitude range of the points

    • Map scale will be true along these parallels, with distortion increases as you move north or south

    • One simple approach would be to use min and max latitude from the total_bounds extent computed earlier

      • This is fine, but note that this could lead to additional distortion near your center latitude

      • Extra Credit: figure out how to place them slightly inside your min and max latitude to minimize distortion across the entire latitude range

  • Use Python string formatting to dynamically create your proj string (don’t just hardcode your values, but substitute variables in the string)

  • Print the final proj string

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Reproject the GLAS points using your custom equal-area projection#

  • Store the output as a new GeoDataFrame and check that the geometry was updated.

  • Sanity check with a scatter plot

    • Origin should be near center of GLAS points

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: Create scatter plots for comparison#

  • 4 subplots (WGS84, UTM, custom AEA, and Web Mercator)

  • Might be useful to add gridlines with constant spacing (somewhere between ~200-500 km might work) to each plot for projected data using matplotlib grid()

from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator

def add_grid(ax, tick_interval=500000):
#Student Exercise

Umm, they kind of look the same. Why am I wasting time on this?#

  • Note the location of the origin for each coordinate system 🤔

    • The (0,0) should be near the center of your points for the AEA projection

  • Note subtle distortion of points near the margins

  • Let’s dive into some analysis of distances, azimuths and areas to evaluate projection distortion

Part 4: Distance and azimuth distortion analysis#

  • We will now explore how these projections affect distances and angles

  • Let’s start by defining two points from our dataset separated by a large distance - we can use points corresponding to minimum and maximum longitude values

min_idx = glas_gdf['lon'].argmin()
max_idx = glas_gdf['lon'].argmax()
glas_gdf_mmlon = glas_gdf.iloc[[min_idx, max_idx]]
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry
51195 2007.755506 732952.759794 47.674555 -124.482406 -22.16 -23.08 0.81 31 POINT (-124.48241 47.67455)
57909 2008.191175 733111.970228 39.281164 -104.052336 1729.57 1730.57 0.97 31 POINT (-104.05234 39.28116)

Create a quick plot to visualize#

f, ax = plt.subplots()
glas_gdf_mmlon.plot(ax=ax, color='r');

Compute Geodetic distance and azimuth between these points#

from pyproj import Geod
#Define the ellipsoid to use for calculations
geod = Geod(ellps="WGS84")

#Compute geodetic distance between first and last point in a GeoDataFrame
#Return the distance and azimuth and back azimuth (degrees clockwise from north)
def geodetic_az_dist(gdf):
    #Extract the points
    p0 = gdf.iloc[0]
    p1 = gdf.iloc[-1]
    #Compute the geodesic azimuth, back azimuth and distance
    az, backaz, dist = geod.inv(p0['lon'], p0['lat'], p1['lon'], p1['lat'])
    #print('Distance: {:0.2f} km, Azimuth: {:0.2f}°, Back Azimuth: {:0.2f}°'.format(dist/1000., az, backaz))
    #return {'dist':dist, 'az':az, 'backaz':backaz}
    print('Distance: {:0.2f} km, Azimuth: {:0.2f}°'.format(dist/1000., az))
    return {'dist':dist, 'az':az}
geo_da = geodetic_az_dist(glas_gdf_mmlon)
Distance: 1889.41 km, Azimuth: 112.06°

Compute Euclidian distance and azimuth between these points for different projections#

  • You all know how to do this - Pythagorean theorem in a cartesian coordinate system

  • I’ve prepared some sample code here

  • You will need to reproject the glas_gdf_mmlon dataframe and pass to the euclidian_az_dist() function defined below

  • Please do this for:

    • UTM Zone 11N

    • Web Mercator

    • Your AEA projection

    • Extra Credit: an azimuthal equidistant projection with projection center defined using the first point in the GeoDataFrame (you’ll need to create a new proj string here, see for reference)

  • Note that the euclidian_az_dist function prints out values, but you may want to store the returned dictionary, and then use for later calculations

def euclidian_az_dist(gdf):
    unit =[0].unit_name
    if unit != 'metre':
        print('Input CRS has units of {}, expected projected CRS'.format(unit))
        dx = gdf.iloc[-1].geometry.x - gdf.iloc[0].geometry.x
        dy = gdf.iloc[-1].geometry.y - gdf.iloc[0].geometry.y
        az = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dx,dy))
        dist = gdf.distance(gdf.iloc[-1].geometry).iloc[0]
        #dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
        print('Distance: {:0.2f} km, Azimuth: {:0.2f}°'.format(dist/1000., az))
        return {'dist':dist, 'az':az}
#Note that GeoPandas is smart enough to raise exception when inputs are geographic (lat,lon)
Input CRS has units of degree, expected projected CRS
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Analysis: which of these projections is closest to reality? ✍️#

  • Do some quick analysis of your findings

  • I included a sample function that might be useful to compute percent difference from the “true” geodetic distance values

def percdiff(d1, d2):
    key = 'dist'
    dist_diff = 100 * abs(d1[key] - d2[key])/d2[key]
    key = 'az'
    az_diff = 100 * abs(d1[key] - d2[key])/d2[key]
    print(f'Distance diff: {dist_diff:.2f}%, Azimuth diff: {az_diff:.2f}%')
#Compare web mercator values to the geodesic values
print("Web Mercator:", wm_da)
print("Geodetic (truth):", geo_da)
percdiff(wm_da, geo_da)
Web Mercator: {'dist': 2615069.8042249978, 'az': 119.57892112999764}
Geodetic (truth): {'dist': 1889409.4231811771, 'az': 112.06063809048167}
Distance diff: 38.41%, Azimuth diff: 6.71%
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

So what is going on here?#

  • You are seeing different types of distortion (distance, direction) for each projection, compared to the “true” geodetic values on the surface of the Ellipsoid.

  • In this case, the distance distortion for some projections is <1%, but it’s very possible that <1% will introduce unacceptable (and unnecessary) error for precise engineering applications. This distortion will increase as distances increase.

  • It’s important to pick a projection that is well-suited for your application. If you care about accurate representation of distances, you should use an equidistant projection. If you care about accurate representation of areas, use an equal-area projection.

  • Remember, there’s no “perfect” projection, so it’s on you to account for this properly. You would be surprised at how often errors due to projection decisions end up in published literature.

  • Hopefully this was informative, and didn’t just confuse the entire concept. If you’re lost or confused, ask for some help, and let’s continue the discussion in class or on Slack!

Part 5: Save the projected points to a GIS-ready file#

Export GeoDataFrame to CSV#

  • For convenience, let’s add new columns for the x and y coordinates in the utm coordinates

  • This should be pretty simple - no need for loops or a custom function here (hint: use the x and y attributes of the special geometry column). Can store the projected x and y coordinates as new columns in your GeoDataFrame)

  • Note: don’t need to do this, as the geometry column already stores this information, but sometimes you want to preserve projected coordinates (alongside lat/lon) if you’re going to export as a csv and analyze with other tools (e.g., AutoCAD)

    • Warning: no information about projection is preserved in a standard CSV, just the coordinate values. It’s on you to document projection in metadata before distributing

    • A better option is to use a GIS-ready file format (below) that embeds the CRS metadata along with the coordinates

def gdf_add_xy(gdf):
    gdf['proj_x'] = gdf['geometry'].x
    gdf['proj_y'] = gdf['geometry'].y
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry proj_x proj_y
0 2003.139571 731266.943345 44.157897 -105.356562 1398.51 1400.52 0.33 31 POINT (1431183.070 4955789.787) 1.431183e+06 4.955790e+06
1 2003.139571 731266.943346 44.150175 -105.358116 1387.11 1384.64 0.43 31 POINT (1431181.915 4954913.882) 1.431182e+06 4.954914e+06
2 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.148632 -105.358427 1392.83 1383.49 0.28 31 POINT (1431181.639 4954738.855) 1.431182e+06 4.954739e+06
3 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.147087 -105.358738 1384.24 1382.85 0.84 31 POINT (1431181.394 4954563.604) 1.431181e+06 4.954564e+06
4 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.145542 -105.359048 1369.21 1380.24 1.73 31 POINT (1431181.226 4954388.366) 1.431181e+06 4.954388e+06

Open the csv from Jupyter lab file browser to verify output looks good, with new columns#

Save GIS-ready files to disk#


How to choose a file format?#

  • I’m guessing that most of you have used ESRI shapefiles in the past.

  • Please stop 🛑. This is a legacy format, though it is still widely used.

  • Better options these days are Geopackage (GPKG) when spatial index is required, and simple GeoJSON for other cases

  • Now that you’ve made an informed decision for an output format, let’s use the Geopandas to_file() method to create this file

    • Let’s export to Geopackage for this exercise

    • Make sure you properly specify filename with extension and the driver option

    • Note: Writing out may take a minute, and may produce an intermediate ‘.gpkg-journal’ file

      • Can see this in the file browser or terminal!

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise


You can now directly load this gpkg file in any GIS, without defining a coordinate system or dealing with your original csv. You can also load this file directly into geopandas in the future using the read_file() method, without having to repeat the processing above. We’ll do this for lab exercises in a few weeks.

See for yourself!#

Try it! Right-click on file in the file browser on the left side of the JupyterLab interface, then select Download and pick a location on your local computer (e.g., your Downloads folder).

Then open this file in QGIS or ArcGIS on your local machine!

A quick aside: gdalsrsinfo#

We covered basic shell and command line usage during in Week01. I included this because there are many powerful command-line utilities out there that can batch data processing and quick geospatial data inspection. The GDAL/OGR command-line utilities are worth exploring - we will discuss more during raster module. Some of these have equivalent Python functions, while others do not.

One of these utilties, gdalsrsinfo, is great for quickly inspecting dataset CRS, converting between different CRS formats (WKT, proj strings, EPSG codes, etc), and exploring transformations between different CRS.

Try it!#

Open a new terminal, navigate to the directory where you just created the output file. Alternatively, you can run these shell commands from a notebook cell. Run the following (substituting your filename):

  • gdalsrsinfo EPSG:32611

  • gdalsrsinfo yourfilename.gpkg

By default, this will export a proj string and WKT for the crs. You can also output different formats (e.g., EPSG code). See gdalsrsinfo -h for usage. Try the -o all option.

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Part 6: Area Distortion#

Get polygons for US States#

Hmmm, let’s see. Two choices:

  1. We could go to ESRI or the U.S. Census website, identify and download a shapefile, unzip 4+ files, copy/paste the appropriate *.shp filename into the notebook. Wait, how can I download on a remote server? OK, maybe run something like wget http://..., unzip, provide absolute path
    - OR -

  2. Give geopandas a url string that points to a GeoJSON file somewhere on the web, and read dynamically

Yeah, let’s go with #2

Let’s use the US States 5M GeoJSON here:

  • We’ve talked about JSON as the text format used by Jupyter notebooks. GeoJSON extends this format to include geospatial information. It’s pretty great. If you are unfamiliar, take a moment to read about GeoJSON:

Quick inspection#

Take a look at the 5M GeoJSON file (digitized to preserve details at a scale of 1:5000000) contents in your browser or download and open with a text editor.

Note organization structure. How does this compare to, say, a Python dictionary object? 🤔

Read directly with GeoPandas#

Read the file using GeoPandas by passing the url to gpd.read_file().

#states_url = ''
states_url = ''
#states_url = ''
#Student Exercise

Inspect the GeoDataFrame#

  • Note the columns and geometry type(s) in the geometry columns

  • Do a quick plot() to preview


Note: The extent of the Aleutian islands (Alaska) crosses the -180/+180°W antimeridian, which is why the extent spans the full longitude range.

Check the CRS#

  • Note that this was automatically defined during the read_file() step. Thanks GeoPandas!

#Student Exercise

Compute the area (in \(km^2\)) for all states#

  • Our GeoDataFrame of states is still in geographic coordinates (decimal degrees)

    • We could compute area in decimal degrees, but remember our analysis above about how the length of a degree of longitude varies? This will also affect area calculations.

      • Hmm, also we want to avoid the costly 3D geodetic area calculations on the surface of the ellipsoid

    • We want polygon area values in km2

    • What might you need to do to the GeoDataFrame before you proceed?

      • Hint you’ve already done this a few times during the lab

Answer: reproject the polygons!#

  • Let’s start by reprojecting the state polygons using the same UTM 11N projection we explored earlier

  • Store output as a new GeoDataFrame with unique name (e.g., states_gdf_utm)

  • Do a quick head() on the output to verify a change in geometry coordinates

  • Do a quick plot(), noting the new coordinate values.

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Compute the area of the polygons in the projected GeoDataFrame#

  • Compute the area for each state in km^2

  • Compare your values with the values in the CENSUSAREA column

    • Calcuate an area difference between your values and the CENSUSAREA values

    • Note: CENSUSAREA values are in square miles (sigh), so you’ll need to convert to square km

    • Convert the area difference to a percent difference

  • Do your numbers agree? If not, any guess about why not? (discuss with your neighbor)

    • Try sorting your GeoDataFrame by the percent difference column

    • What do you notice about the states with largest difference - how far are they from the UTM zone center longitude?

#Sample function
def gdf_area_analysis(gdf):
    #Convert area from GeoPandas (m^2) to km^2
    gdf['myarea'] = gdf.area/1E6
    #Convert area from source data (mi^2) to km^2
    gdf['CENSUSAREA_km2'] = gdf['CENSUSAREA']*2.58999
    #Compute difference and store in new column
    gdf['area_diff'] = gdf['myarea'] - gdf['CENSUSAREA_km2']
    #Compute percent difference
    gdf['area_diff_perc'] = 100 * gdf['area_diff']/gdf['CENSUSAREA_km2']
    #Return a new dataframe with index sorted by percent difference
    return gdf.sort_values(by='area_diff_perc', ascending=False)
#Student Exercise

Repeat for your Albers Equal Area projection#

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Repeat for Web Mercator#

#Student Exercise

For each projection, create a choropleth plot showing the percent area difference for all states#

#Student Exercise


  • Take a moment to consider how the area distortion differences vary for the different projections

  • Are they spatially uniform? How do they vary with distance from the projection center or latitude/longitude of true scale? 🤔

  • Hopefully this helps to reinforce what touched on earlier with distances and the area - choice of projection is important depending on the intended analysis. If you intend to do area analysis, you want to use an equal-area projection

DES Note

If you look closely, there are some residual area differences between CENSUSAREA and our equal-area polygons. This is likely related to coastlines, inland water bodies, mapping scale, and how the CENSUSAREA is computed. Using the 20M or 500K polygons doesn’t make much of a difference.

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: Repeat the above analysis using pyproj geodetic area calculations as “truth” rather than CENSUSAREA#

Part 7: Combine Points and Polygons#

Create a combined plot of state outlines and GLAS points#

You already reprojected both the GLAS points GeoDataFrame and the states GeoDataFrame to the same UTM projected coordinate system with units of meters. Let’s add both to the same plot, so we have better context for our points!

See documentation here:

  • Use the matplotlib object-oriented interface to plot on the same axes:

    • Can start with f, myax = plt.subplots() to create a matplotlib.axes object, then pass myax to the states GeoDataFrame plot() call: states_gdf_utm.plot(ax=myax,...).

      • I recommend using facecolor='white' and edgecolor='black'

    • Alternatively, remember that the GeoDataFrame plot() function returns a matplotlib.axes object by default, which you can store as a new variable named myax

      • myax = states_gdf_utm.plot(...)

      • Note that you no longer see <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0da85f5a58> output in the notebook

    • Now, in the same cell, plot the reprojected ICESat point GeoDataFrame on the same axes, passing myax to the ax argument of the glas_gdf_utm.plot() call

    • You should see your points drawn over the state polygons!

      • Make sure you get the plotting order correct, or appropriately set plotting arguments for transparency

    • Note that you can continue to update/modify the axes (e.g., add a title) by modifying your myax object in the same cell

#Student Exercise

OK, that looks good, but how do we limit the map extent to the Western US#

Get the total bounding box (or extent) of the reprojected GLAS points#

  • Hint: you did this earlier for the original lat/lon GeoDataFrame, should be easy to repeat for your projected GeoDataFrame.

#Student Exercise

Set the x and y axes limits to your projected bounds to update your plot#

  • See set_xlim and set_ylim

  • You should see your points with state borders overlaid for context

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: create a function to pad the bounds by user-specified distance#

  • Assume the user knows the units of their projection, and specifies this distance appropriately (e.g., 30000 meters, not 30000 degrees)

  • Play with padding distances and replot for a visually pleasing extent (i.e., don’t chop off California)

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise


OK, we covered a lot of ground with this one. These concepts are fundemental to all aspects of geospatial data analysis, and we’ll see them throughout the rest of the quarter. So if some aspects are still a bit fuzzy, know that there will be more opportunities to revisit and discuss.

  • We covered basic operations, plotting, Geopandas GeoDataFrames and associated methods/attributes - these are great for most geospaital vector data and analysis.

    • Caveat: the standard GeoPandas tools are not ideally suited for workflows involving billions of points - these cases will require optimization (e.g., and potentially a different suite of tools.

  • Hopefully you got a sense of the most common approaches to define projections (EPSG codes, proj strings, WKT), and now understand some of the tradeoffs between different projections for different objectives involving visualization or quantitative analysis.

    • For most applications, best to avoid using a geographic projection (lat/lon) for analysis (or visualization) due to scaling issues

    • In general, for local studies or smaller areas (<500x500 km), you can use the appropriate UTM zone, which has acceptable distortion in terms of distance, angles and areas

    • For larger areas, probably want to define a custom projection (remember or use a standard regional projection designed for your intended purpose

    • Be careful with Web Mercator - in the coming weeks we’ll be using public raster tile datasets prepared with this projection, so try to remember some of the issues highlighted here

  • When plotting and doing anlaysis, all of your input datasets must share the same coordinate system, which may require reprojecting one (or more) datasets to match. You can then plot them on the same axes. We will do more of this in coming weeks to combine raster and vector data.