Vector 2: Geometries, Spatial Operations and Visualization Exercises#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean


  • Continue to explore GeoPandas functionality

  • Explore basic geometry operations (e.g., buffer, intersect, union)

  • Explore spatial filtering and spatial joins

  • Explore new visualization approaches (e.g., hexbin, interactive maps)

Let’s use the ICESat GLAS dataset one final time and cover some additional important vector concepts.

Part 0: Prepare data#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import fiona
import xyzservices.providers as xyz
#plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 8]

Read in the projected GLAS points#

  • Ideally, use the exported gpkg file with equal-area projection from Lab04

  • Note, you can right-click on a file in the Jupyterlab file browser, and select “Copy Path”, then paste, but make sure you get the correct relative path to the current notebook (../)

  • If you have issues with your file, you can recreate:

    • Read the original GLAS csv

    • Load into GeoDataFrame, define CRS ('EPSG:4326')

    • Reproject with following PROJ string: '+proj=aea +lat_1=37.00 +lat_2=47.00 +lat_0=42.00 +lon_0=-114.27'

#Loading from Lab04
#aea_fn = '../04_Vector1_Geopandas_CRS_Proj/conus_glas_aea.gpkg'
#glas_gdf_aea = gpd.read_file(aea_fn)
aea_proj_str = '+proj=aea +lat_1=37.00 +lat_2=47.00 +lat_0=42.00 +lon_0=-114.27'
csv_fn = '../01_Shell_Github/data/GLAH14_tllz_conus_lulcfilt_demfilt.csv'
glas_df = pd.read_csv(csv_fn)
glas_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(glas_df, crs='EPSG:4326', geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(glas_df['lon'], glas_df['lat']))
glas_gdf_aea = glas_gdf.to_crs(aea_proj_str)
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry
0 2003.139571 731266.943345 44.157897 -105.356562 1398.51 1400.52 0.33 31 POINT (709465.483 277418.898)
1 2003.139571 731266.943346 44.150175 -105.358116 1387.11 1384.64 0.43 31 POINT (709431.326 276549.914)
2 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.148632 -105.358427 1392.83 1383.49 0.28 31 POINT (709424.459 276376.270)
3 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.147087 -105.358738 1384.24 1382.85 0.84 31 POINT (709417.614 276202.405)
4 2003.139571 731266.943347 44.145542 -105.359048 1369.21 1380.24 1.73 31 POINT (709410.847 276028.547)

Create a variable to store the crs of your GeoDataFrame#

  • Quickly print this out to verify everything looks good

aea_crs =
<Derived Projected CRS: +proj=aea +lat_1=37.00 +lat_2=47.00 +lat_0=42.00 + ...>
Name: unknown
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- undefined
Coordinate Operation:
- name: unknown
- method: Albers Equal Area
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Read in the state polygons#

states_url = ''
#states_url = ''
states_gdf = gpd.read_file(states_url)

Limit to Lower48#

idx = states_gdf['NAME'].isin(['Alaska','Puerto Rico','Hawaii'])
states_gdf = states_gdf[~idx]

Reproject the states to match the crs of your points#

states_gdf_aea = states_gdf.to_crs(aea_crs)

Create a quick plot to verify everything looks good#

  • Can re-use plotting code near the end of Lab04

f, ax = plt.subplots()
states_gdf_aea.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')
glas_gdf_aea.plot(ax=ax, column='glas_z', cmap='inferno', markersize=1, legend=True);

Extract the MultiPolygon geometry object for Washington from your reprojected states GeoDataFrame#

  • Use the state ‘NAME’ value to isolate the approprate GeoDataFrame record for Washington

  • Assign the geometry attribute for this record to a new variable called wa_geom

    • This is a little tricky

    • After a boolean filter to get the WA record, you will need to use something like iloc[0] to extract a GeoSeries, and then isolate the geometry attribute

      • wa_geom = wa_gdf.iloc[0].geometry

    • Use the python type() function to verify that your output type is shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon

# This is a new GeoDataFrame with one entry
wa_gdf = states_gdf_aea[states_gdf_aea['NAME'] == 'Washington']
# This is the Geometry object for that one entry
wa_geom = wa_gdf.squeeze().geometry

Find the geometric center of WA state#

  • See the centroid attribute

  • You may have to print() this to see the coordinates

#c = wa_gdf.centroid.iloc[0]
#MultiPolygon Geometry
c = wa_geom.centroid

Part 1: Geometric Operations for GLAS points#

Clip the GLAS points to Washington state polygon#

  • This should be pretty straightforward:

    • Identify records from the GLAS GeoDataFrame that intersects the WA state geometry

    • Extract those records and store in a new GeoDataFrame

  • This may take 5-10 seconds to complete

#Student Exercise

Compute some statistics for the WA state GLAS points#

  • How many points are in WA state?

  • What is mean glas_z elevation in WA state?

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Plot the resulting points#

  • Add the WA polygon outline

    • Note that you don’t need/want to use the Polygon Geometry object here. Remember, you have a GeoDataFrame containing just the WA geometry. And you know how to plot GeoDataFrames.

  • Add the WA state centroid you calculated earlier using a distinct marker style (e.g., '*' or 'x')

    • Can use simple matplotlib plot with the coordinates, or can use wa_gdf.centroid.plot()

#Student Exercise

Find the GLAS point closest to the WA state centroid#

  • See the GeoDataFrame distance function

  • Create a plot showing this distance for each GLAS point.

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

What is the distance between this point and the centroid in km?#

#Student Exercise
  • Extra Credit: Do a quick calculation using the Pythagorean theorem to determine Euclidian distance between the centroid and this point - does this match the output of the distance function?

What is the glas_z value of this point?#

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: Which GLAS point is farthest from the WA state perimeter?#

  • Note that this is different than the above calcuations for point to point distance, you’re looking for point to polyline distance

  • What is the distance in km?

  • This should be pretty straightforward, combining elements from the above questions/demo

  • This can be useful to consider distance from the coast and climatology (temperature, precipitation and other environmental variables)

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Part 2: Aggregate GLAS points for state polygons and compute glas_z statistics#

OK, we computed some stats for GLAS points within WA state. Now let’s find the GLAS points that intersect each state polygon.


  1. Compute the total number of points and mean glas_z point elevation for each state

  2. Generate choropleth maps for both

One approach would be to loop through each state polygon, and do an intersection operation like we did for WA state above. But this is inefficient, and doesn’t scale well. It is much more efficient to do a spatial join between the points and the polygons with the intersection operator, then groupby and aggregate to compute the relevant statistics for each state.

You may have learned how to perform a join or spatial join in a GIS class. So, do we need to open ArcMap or QGIS here? Do we need a full-fledged spatial database like PostGIS? No! GeoPandas has you covered.

Start with a spatial join between the GLAS points and state polygons#

Let’s extract the columns that matter#

  • Since we only care about glas_z values here let’s create some smaller GeoDataFrames:

    • Extract the ['glas_z', 'geometry'] columns from the GLAS GeoDataFrame

    • Extract the ['NAME', 'geometry'] columns from the states GeoDataFrame

glas_gdf_aea_lite = glas_gdf_aea[['glas_z', 'geometry']]
states_gdf_aea_lite = states_gdf_aea[['NAME','geometry']]

Now try a spatial join between these two#

  • Use the GLAS points as the “left” GeoDataFrame and the States as the “right” GeoDataFrame

  • Start by using default options (op='intersects', how='inner')

  • Note the output geometry type and columns

#Student Exercise
glas_z geometry index_right NAME
0 1398.51 POINT (709465.483 277418.898) 50 Wyoming
1 1387.11 POINT (709431.326 276549.914) 50 Wyoming
2 1392.83 POINT (709424.459 276376.270) 50 Wyoming
3 1384.24 POINT (709417.614 276202.405) 50 Wyoming
4 1369.21 POINT (709410.847 276028.547) 50 Wyoming
... ... ... ... ...
64091 1868.30 POINT (485179.859 -614501.598) 31 New Mexico
64499 1701.32 POINT (531778.415 -627890.213) 31 New Mexico
64500 1735.44 POINT (531666.256 -629442.175) 31 New Mexico
8377 1362.41 POINT (87991.625 -555886.651) 2 Arizona
60425 1348.03 POINT (87811.448 -556041.104) 2 Arizona

63850 rows × 4 columns

Now reverse the order of the two input GeoDataFrames#

  • Use default options again

#Student Exercise

Which one makes more sense?#

  • Remember, we’re trying to add a State name to each GLAS point

  • You’ll need to decide which one to use moving forward

#Student Exercise

Extra credit#

Experiment with a few different operations (op) for the spatial join (e.g., intersects) and review the output with head()

  • Descriptions of different operations are here:

    • Note that for our input spatial join of points and polygons, some of the details are irrelevant

  • Do you notice a difference in the output number of records?

  • Choose the how keyword appropriately:

    • Test a few options and note the output number of records

    • Are there any points that don’t fall within a state polygon? Why might this be? Do you want to preserve these moving forward?

#Student Exercise

Sanity check#

  • Run a head on our new GeoDataFrame

  • For each GLAS point, there should be a new column with the corresponding state NAME

  • Check the original and joined shape

    • Does the number of records equal the original number of GLAS points?

    • Why might they be different?

Extra credit: plot the points that were not included in spatial join#

  • Does the spatial distribution help you answer the above question?

  • Maybe useful to zoom in to look at points and state outlines

#Student Exercise
glas_z geometry index_right NAME
0 1398.51 POINT (709465.483 277418.898) 50 Wyoming
1 1387.11 POINT (709431.326 276549.914) 50 Wyoming
2 1392.83 POINT (709424.459 276376.270) 50 Wyoming
3 1384.24 POINT (709417.614 276202.405) 50 Wyoming
4 1369.21 POINT (709410.847 276028.547) 50 Wyoming
#Student Exercise
Original count: 65236
Joined count: 63850
#Student Exercise

#Student Exercise

Now aggregate by state NAME#

#Student Exercise
/tmp/ipykernel_465/ FutureWarning: ['geometry'] did not aggregate successfully. If any error is raised this will raise in a future version of pandas. Drop these columns/ops to avoid this warning.
  glas_gdf_aea_states_agg = glas_gdf_aea_states.groupby('NAME').agg(['count', 'mean'])
glas_z index_right
count mean count mean
Arizona 2 1355.220000 2 2.0
California 13865 1701.699116 13865 4.0
Colorado 8429 3253.791521 8429 5.0
Idaho 7297 1790.290550 7297 12.0
Montana 2658 2125.944759 2658 26.0
Nevada 12081 1335.431521 12081 28.0
New Mexico 209 1835.156699 209 31.0
Oregon 2838 1500.335525 2838 37.0
Utah 5498 1439.914989 5498 44.0
Washington 5265 1224.196596 5265 47.0
Wyoming 5708 2106.420340 5708 50.0

Sanity check#

  • That groupby and agg should be pretty fast (~1-2 seconds)

  • Check the type() of the output

  • Since groupby and agg are Pandas operation, you should now have a new Pandas DataFrame (not a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame) with index of state names and columns for count and mean values in each state

#Student Exercise

Simplify the Heirarchical Index#

  • However, you may have noticed that you now have a “heirarchical index”, with count and mean columns for both glas_z and index_right.

    • More info on this is here:

    • This can be confusing at first, but is actually a powerful feature of Pandas.

    • For our situation, we don’t care about index_right (byproduct of our spatial join), so you can simplify by extracting only the glas_z values

      • Do this the way you would extract a column from a standard DataFrame: my_agg_df['glas_z'] and store as a new DataFrame

      • You can now directly access the count and mean columns

#Student Exercise

Part 3: Plots!#

  • How are we going to visualize these data?

  • We have count and mean of GLAS points for each state! Objective #1 complete!

  • We now want to visualize these values, but we lost our state Polygon/MultiPolygon Geometry along the way

  • No problem, we can combine our DataFrame with the original State GeoDataFrame

    • Can use merge to do an attribute join on the shared state 'NAME' index for the two

      • Take a moment to review the my_agg_df.merge? options

      • In this case, we have a common NAME field, so we can use the on='NAME' here for attribute join

    • Careful about the order of the two inputs here (state GeoDataFrame and the DataFrame with your stats) - you want to preserve the index and geometry of the GeoDataFrame, adding the count and mean columns.

      • If you get it right, you should be able to plot() the GeoPandas GeoDataFrame and get a map. If you got it backwards, the output of plot() will be a line plot for the regular Pandas DataFrame

#Student Exercise
NAME geometry count mean
0 Arizona POLYGON ((154103.502 -554865.569, 154463.722 -... 2 1355.220000
1 California MULTIPOLYGON (((-715337.404 -425936.004, -7153... 13865 1701.699116
2 Colorado POLYGON ((676361.242 -79930.861, 687165.323 -7... 8429 3253.791521
3 Idaho POLYGON ((261921.702 118654.345, 261929.542 11... 7297 1790.290550
4 Montana POLYGON ((724628.849 373437.826, 721641.649 37... 2658 2125.944759
5 Nevada POLYGON ((19102.023 -111459.675, 19082.720 -13... 12081 1335.431521
6 New Mexico POLYGON ((788203.103 -1070451.319, 778535.190 ... 209 1835.156699
7 Oregon POLYGON ((-594594.782 433232.266, -593459.687 ... 2838 1500.335525
8 Utah POLYGON ((269119.721 -78373.504, 270165.794 -1... 5498 1439.914989
9 Washington MULTIPOLYGON (((-612752.940 729560.713, -61302... 5265 1224.196596
10 Wyoming POLYGON ((353778.866 -103059.499, 347654.788 -... 5708 2106.420340

Create a choropleth map to visualize the count of GLAS points in each state#

#Student Exercise

Create a choropleth map to visualize the mean elevation GLAS points in each state#

#Student Exercise

Part 4: Point Densitiy Visualization: Hexbin plots#

OK, now we have statistics and plots for our existing polygons. But what if we want to compute similar statistics for a regularly spaced grid of cells? For our count, this will give us point density, allowing for better visualization of the spatial distribution.

We could define a set of adjacent rectangular polygons, and repeat our sjoin, groupby, agg sequence above. Or we can use some existing matplotlib functionality, and create a hexbin plot!

Hexagonal cells are preferable over a standard square/rectangular grid for various reasons:

Side note: Sarah Battersby (Tableau) had a nice paper exploring these issues for different projections: “Shapes on a plane” is one of the better journal article titles I’ve ever seen :).

Here are some resources on generating hexbins using Python and matplotlib:

Note: an equal-area projection is always good idea for a hexbin plot. Fortunately, we started with our AEA projection, so we’re all set!

Create a hexbin that shows the number of points in each cell#

  • Play around with the gridsize option to set the number of bins in each dimension (or specify the dimensions of your bins)

  • Use the mincnt option to avoid plotting cells with 0 count

  • Overlay the state polygons to help visualize

  • Set your plot xlim and ylim to the GLAS point bounds

  • Can use linear color ramp with vmin and vmax options, or try a logarithmic color ramp, since we have a broad range of counts

#Student Exercise

Create a second hexbin plot that shows the median elevation in each cell#

  • See documentation for the C and reduce_C_function options

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: Generate a Kernel Density Estimator (KDE) plot using seaborn#

array([1398.51, 1387.11, 1392.83, ..., 1556.19, 1556.18, 1556.32])
#Student Exercise

Static plots with tiled basemaps using contextily#

import contextily as ctx
Map tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Map tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 -- Map data (C) OpenStreetMap contributors

Using the default basemap projection#

  • Freely available tiled web maps are great:

  • Most tiled basemaps use a standard “web mercator” projection (EPSG:3857)

  • For this example, we will reproject our point GeoDataFrame to match the default tiles

f, ax = plt.subplots()
#Convert points to web mercator projection and plot
glas_gdf_aea.to_crs('EPSG:3857').plot(ax=ax, column='glas_z', cmap='inferno', markersize=2, legend=True)
#Add basemap
ctx.add_basemap(ax=ax, source=ctx.providers.Stamen.Terrain)

Plot the WA points#

  • Explore different zoom levels

  • Try at least one additional different ctx.provider

    • Maybe ctx.providers.Esri.WorldImagery

#Student Exercise

Using our custom projected coordinate system#

  • The contextily package also supports simple tile warping into arbitrary projections:

    • Note the add_basemap call is similar, just need to pass in the appropriate CRS object

  • We will revisit raster reprojection during the Raster 2 lab, but for now try to plot using the Albers Equal-area projection

    • Note the curvature of the 49° parallel (border between US and Canada) compared to earlier plot in web mercator projection

f, ax = plt.subplots()
#Convert points to web mercator projection and plot
glas_gdf_aea.plot(ax=ax, column='glas_z', cmap='inferno', markersize=2, legend=True)
#Add basemap, specifying crs keyword
ctx.add_basemap(ax=ax,, source=ctx.providers.Stamen.Terrain)

Repeat for WA state#

#Student Exercise

Part 5: Interactive plots#

  • See standalone notebook

Extra Credit#

Create a function to identify the 3 closest points to each GLAS point#

  • Then use these 3 points to:

    • Define a plane

    • Calculate the elevation on that planar surface at the original GLAS point coordinates

    • Compute the difference between the observed GLAS elevation and the interpolated elevation

For each GLAS point, compute mean and std for all points within a 10 km radius#

  • Can potentially create buffer around the point, then intersect with all points

  • Can compute distance to all points, then threshold

Load the Randolph Glacier Inventory polygons (see demo) and do a spatial join with state polygons#

  • Compute and plot the number of glaciers and total glacier area within each state.

  • Which state has the highest number and area?