Vector 2: Interactive plots#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean

Part 5: Interactive plots#

GeoPandas explore#

#Example for WA GLAS points

Create an interactive map for your states geodataframe with explore defaults#

#Student Exercise

Create an interactive map for your states geodataframe with colors representing GLAS point count#

#Student Exercise

Explore some more!#

  • Below is a helper function that creates a plot for an input geodatframe and the specified column

  • Try for the larger CONUS dataset

  • See how the stride values impact performance

  • Can pass in different xyz tiles as an argument

def plotcol(gdf, col='glas_z', stride=10, tiles=xyz.Esri.WorldImagery):
    #Set colorbar limits to 2-98 percentile
    clim = gdf[col].quantile((0.02, 0.98)).values
    #Create interactive folium plot using GeoPandas explore function
    m = gdf[::stride].explore(tiles=tiles, column=col, cmap='inferno', vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1])
    #Return plot, required to display when calling this function
    return m
#plotcol(glas_gdf_aea, col='decyear', stride=100)

Explore at least two other available tiled basemaps#

#List available tiles
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise


ipyleaflet is similar to folium, with some nice interactive “widget” support (useful if you need to update the map or retrieve user input from the map, like clicked points):

Note that leaflet uses tiled basemaps:

Default projection for these tiled basemaps is almost always Web Mercator (EPSG:3857): This works well for lower latitudes, but not the polar regions. QGIS and contextily can reproject tiled basemaps on the fly, but looks like leaflet requires some workarounds (


  • See:

  • Based on bokeh backend, a nice alternative to matplotlib that is better suited for interactive visualization


  • Plugs in with datashader which is designed to render large point datasets efficiently

  • Still relatively new, with multiple parallel efforts holoviews, geoviews, datashader and some bugs, outdated or limited documentation, etc.

# Use the pandas hvplot interface
import hvplot.pandas
#Using `hvplot` instead of `plot` call on our GeoDataFrame

Explore the above plot and tools. Try some interactive zooming, hover over points, etc.#

Add some map tiles#

  • geoviews has some nice tile support

from geoviews import tile_sources as gvts
#map_tiles = gvts.StamenTerrain
map_tiles = gvts.EsriImagery
kw = {'width':500, 'height':400, 'hover':False, 'data_aspect':1, 'alpha':1.0}
kw['colorbar'] = True
kw['cmap'] = 'inferno'

Overlay points on map tiles (subset of points)#

  • To combine layers in a single plot using holoviews, you use the asterisk (*) to overlay the two objects

    • You can use the plus sign (+) to build a layout with two separate subplots

  • Currently need to use the geo=True option and revert back to the glas_gdf GeoDataFrame with lat/lon geometry, not our reprojected points in glas_gdf_aea.

    • In principle, hvplot/geoviews should work with our projected points, but there are some residual issues, and it appears that some underlying code somewhere in the stack is assuming lat/lon

#map_tiles * glas_gdf[::stride].hvplot(geo=True, c='glas_z', title='GLAS Elevation', **kw)

Using DataShader to efficiently render points on the fly#

  • There are still some limitations and bugs in the current datashader support for GeoDataFrame objects, so we will revert to glas_df and specify x and y columns here

  • Zoom in and see how points are re-rendered for each view

#glas_df.hvplot.scatter(x='lon', y='lat', datashade=True, c='glas_z', title='GLAS Elevation', **kw)


  • We haven’t discussed as a class yet, but this is a simple, effective interactive visualization package (alternative to matplotlib)

  • See the example here:

  • For your plot:

    • Isolate points to WA state for now, convert to EPSG:4326

    • Compute the centroid of the WA state polygon (remember GeoPandas unary_union) in EPSG:4326

    • Create a map object centered on this centroid

      • Use the ‘Stamen Terrain’ basemap layer

      • Experiment with zoom_start level to find a good extent

    • Export your WSG84 GeoDataFrame using to_json(), then load all features using folium.features.GeoJson

    • Add the points to the map

  • Take a moment to explore this interactive map interface.

#Compute WA state centroid in WGS84
#wa_center_wgs84 = list(wa_gdf.to_crs('EPSG:4326').centroid.iloc[0].coords)[0][::-1]
wgs_c = wa_gdf.to_crs('EPSG:4326').unary_union.centroid
wa_center_wgs84 = (wgs_c.y, wgs_c.x)
#Reproject to WGS84
glas_gdf_wa = glas_gdf_aea_wa.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
#Note: some students reported issues using folium on Chrome browser with many points (n=5265)
#This is one workaround:
#Alternatively, reduce number of points, using only every 10th point
#import folium
#m = folium.Map(location=wa_center_wgs84, zoom_start=7, tiles='Stamen Terrain')

OK, but performance isn’t great with so many points#

from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
#m = folium.Map(location=wa_center_wgs84, tiles='Stamen Terrain', zoom_start=7)
#Create clustered map with popups
#locations, popups = [], []
#for idx,row in glas_gdf_wa.iterrows():
#    locations.append([row['geometry'].y, row['geometry'].x])
#    popups.append(idx)
#t = folium.FeatureGroup(name='GLAS')
#t.add_child(MarkerCluster(locations=locations, popups=popups))
