09 Exercises 0: ERA5 Data Download#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean

Climate reanalysis#

Nice introduction: https://climate.copernicus.eu/climate-reanalysis

“Climate reanalyses combine past observations with models to generate consistent time series of multiple climate variables. Reanalyses are among the most-used datasets in the geophysical sciences. They provide a comprehensive description of the observed climate as it has evolved during recent decades, on 3D grids at sub-daily intervals. “


ERA5 = “ECMWF ReAnalysis 5”
ECMWF = “European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts”


“ERA5 provides hourly estimates of a large number of atmospheric, land and oceanic climate variables. The data cover the Earth on a 30km grid and resolve the atmosphere using 137 levels from the surface up to a height of 80km.”

“ERA5 combines vast amounts of historical observations into global estimates using advanced modelling and data assimilation systems.”


Hundreds of output variables for each hourly timestep. See a list of all of the available variables:


The ERA5 HRES (High Resolution) data have a native resolution of 0.28125 degrees (31km)

The ERA5-Land data have a native resolution of 9 km (~0.08°)

How many grid cells are required to store one variable (like temperature) for full 72 year record at hourly resolution?#

s = 360*180*4*4*137
t = 72*365.25*24

Additional notes on the ERA5 grid#

The model is actually run using a “reduced gaussian grid” with quasi-equal spacing across the planet:

These values are then interpolated to the regular grid of 0.25° cells in the netCDF files. We will revisit this issue during the exercises.

Data Availability#

From CDS (Climate Data Store)#

For future reference, you can access the ERA5 data directly! The CDS API allows you to request subsets of ERA5 products for desired spatial extent, time periods, time intervals, etc.:

Some commonly used products are also available on Amazon S3#

Shortcut: download sample datasets#

We could submit requests directly from the CDS API, but you will need to create an account and use a unique API key. The server-side processing and download will require at least 5-40 minutes per dataset.

For this lab, I submitted some requests to prepare sample ERA5 datasets. The scripts are available in the cds_scripts subdirectory. But as a shortcut, we will download these datasets, which were staged in public data archive.


Zenodo is a great, free, permanent data archiving solution: https://about.zenodo.org/

Lab09 Zenodo record#

  • https://zenodo.org/record/6302343

  • Three main files needed for the Lab09 notebooks. Original datasets from CDS are also archived.

    • Notebook 1: ‘climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc’, ‘1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc’

    • Notebook 2: ‘WA_ERA5-Land_hourly_1950-2022_6hr.nc’

Check disk space!#

  • Before running, open a terminal on the hub and run the following command df -h ~. Should report something like this:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdf         50G   41G  9.7G  81% /home/jovyan
  • You will need ~4.5 GB available for these data products

  • If you don’t have that, you can go back and delete some of the products from previous labs that are no longer needed, or can be easily downloaded again

!df -h ~
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdae       9.8G  4.3G  5.5G  44% /home/jovyan
import os
outdir = 'era5_data'
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
base_url = 'https://zenodo.org/record/6302343/files/'
fn_list = ['climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc', \
           '1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc', \
url_list = [base_url+fn for fn in fn_list]
#For parallel download from command line:
#url_list_str = ' '.join(url_list)
for url in url_list:
    !wget -nc -P {outdir} {url}
--2023-02-25 21:41:22--  https://zenodo.org/record/6302343/files/climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc
Resolving zenodo.org (zenodo.org)...
Connecting to zenodo.org (zenodo.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 49874647 (48M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘era5_data/climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc’

climatology_0.25g_e 100%[===================>]  47.56M  15.6MB/s    in 3.7s    

2023-02-25 21:41:27 (13.0 MB/s) - ‘era5_data/climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc’ saved [49874647/49874647]

--2023-02-25 21:41:28--  https://zenodo.org/record/6302343/files/1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc
Resolving zenodo.org (zenodo.org)...
Connecting to zenodo.org (zenodo.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2147121539 (2.0G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘era5_data/1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc’

1month_anomaly_Glob 100%[===================>]   2.00G  18.3MB/s    in 1m 52s  

2023-02-25 21:43:22 (18.2 MB/s) - ‘era5_data/1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc’ saved [2147121539/2147121539]

--2023-02-25 21:43:24--  https://zenodo.org/record/6302343/files/WA_ERA5-Land_hourly_1950-2022_6hr.nc
Resolving zenodo.org (zenodo.org)...
Connecting to zenodo.org (zenodo.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1943523920 (1.8G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘era5_data/WA_ERA5-Land_hourly_1950-2022_6hr.nc’

WA_ERA5-Land_hourly 100%[===================>]   1.81G  18.4MB/s    in 1m 43s  

2023-02-25 21:45:08 (18.0 MB/s) - ‘era5_data/WA_ERA5-Land_hourly_1950-2022_6hr.nc’ saved [1943523920/1943523920]
ls -lh $outdir
total 3.9G
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan users 2.0G Feb  4 05:48 1month_anomaly_Global_ea_2t.nc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan users  48M Feb  4 05:48 climatology_0.25g_ea_2t.nc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan users 1.9G Feb  4 05:48 WA_ERA5-Land_hourly_1950-2022_6hr.nc