06: Vector 2 - Geometries, Spatial Operations, Visualization#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean


This week, we are going to revisit vectors, geometry operations, spatial/attribute joins, and more sophisticated visualization. We will illustrate some of these concepts with the GLAS point dataset and the U.S. State outlines.

Reading and Tutorials#

Please take some time to review the following material (especially if you have limited GIS experience), and come with questions on topics that are unclear, so we can discuss together. There is some overlap in content, but different presentation of the essential material, so hopefully one or more will work for you:

Geometry Operations and Visualization#

Review some of the excellent examples from Automating GIS processes course at the University of Helsinki: https://autogis-site.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html. Each of these has recordings if you would like to watch, or navigate through the material at your own pace via the outline on the left side of the page.

Please focus on the sections listed for each lesson, but you are more than welcome to explore other sections of this great site!

Geopandas and Shapely Documentation#

Skim the introductions for the following pages, and get a sense of how some common GIS operations can be performed with GeoPandas: