07: Raster 2 - Reprojection, Clipping, Sampling, Zonal Stats#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean


This week, we are going to revisit rasters. We will cover common operations and strategies, including reprojection, clipping, sampling, zonal statistics, and creating rasters from unstructured point data.

Reading and Tutorials#

Please take some time to review the following material (especially if you have limited GIS experience), and come with questions on topics that are unclear, so we can discuss together. There is some overlap in content, but different presentation of the essential material, so hopefully one or more will work for you:


We will dive into xarray in a few weeks, but we will introduce some raster processing and analysis concepts using rioxarray this week. It will be useful to have a general understanding of these two packages from the high-level “quick overview” docs:

Raster Reprojection#

Raster clipping/masking#

Raster resampling/interpolation#

Sampling a raster over polygon areas: zonal statistics#

Sampling a raster at points#

Gridding points to raster#

Useful examples of basic raster processing#