07 Raster2 Exercises#

Reprojection, Clipping, Sampling, Zonal Stats#

UW Geospatial Data Analysis
David Shean

⚠️ Suggestion - shut down other unneeded kernels before running#

import os
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio import plot, mask
from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, Resampling
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterstats
import rioxarray
from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar
#%matplotlib widget

Part 0: Prepare DEM data#

  • Run the Jupyterbook demo notebook to query and download data (07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample_demo.ipynb)

  • Update the dem_data path to the corresponding subdirectory in the jupyterbook repo

dem_data = '/home/jovyan/jupyterbook/book/modules/07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample/dem_data'
#We will use the Washington state 3-arcsec SRTM dataset for these exercises
dem_fn = os.path.join(dem_data, "WA_SRTMGL3.tif")
#dem_fn = os.path.join(dem_data, "WA_COP90.tif")

Reproject the WA DEM data using gdalwarp or rasterio#

  • See demo

  • Output should be LZW compressed and Tiled

#Define desired CRS for output
dst_crs = 'EPSG:32610'
#Student Exercise

Open as rasterio dataset#

  • Store as src_proj variable

  • Check profile and CRS to make sure things look good

#Student Exercise

Create a shaded relief map for the projected DEM#

  • See demo

#Student Exercise

Load as masked array with rasterio#

#Student Exercise
hs_extent = rio.plot.plotting_extent(hs_src)

Load the states GeoDataFrame#

#states_url = 'http://eric.clst.org/assets/wiki/uploads/Stuff/gz_2010_us_040_00_5m.json'
states_url = 'http://eric.clst.org/assets/wiki/uploads/Stuff/gz_2010_us_040_00_500k.json'
states_gdf = gpd.read_file(states_url)
#Reproject to match raster
states_gdf_proj = states_gdf.to_crs(src_proj.crs)
#Isolate WA state
wa_state = states_gdf_proj.loc[states_gdf_proj['NAME'] == 'Washington']
#Extract geometry to use for clipping
wa_geom = wa_state.iloc[0].geometry

Clip to WA state#

#Pass this in to the `rio.mask.mask` call (see demo)
rio_mask_kwargs = {'filled':False, 'crop':True, 'indexes':1}
#Student Exercise
  • Determine the clipped extent for imshow in the projected CRS using the rio.plot.plotting_extent

#Student Exercise
(371115.31896165153, 971151.8939989337, 5043526.21288473, 5444604.739324637)

Part 1: DEM Visualization and Analysis#

Create a color shaded relief map#

  • You should already have the projected, clipped DEM and the hillshade (from unclipped, projected DEM) loaded as arrays

  • Create a plot overlaying color elevation values on the hillshade

    • It’s important to correctly set the extent for each of the two arrays when passing to imshow, otherwise they won’t line up correctly. We did this in Lab05.

    • Use imshow alpha to set transparency of the DEM

    • Add a colorbar

#Student Exercise

What is the maximum elevation in WA state#

  • According to your clipped DEM, not google :)

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: What percentage of the state is >1 mile above sea level?#

  • Sorry about the imperial units, but this is what matters to your average hiking enthusiast

  • Think back to Lab05 and the NDSI threshold appraoch to determine snow-covered area

  • Remember, that you have a regular grid here, so you know the dimensions in meters of each grid cell

  • As we know, this kind of calculation should be done in an equal-area projection, but fine to estimate with UTM projection here

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Part 2: Volume estimation#

  • In the Raster 1 lab, we computed snow-covered area from a 2D array with known pixel dimensions (30x30 m for Landsat-8)

  • Now, let’s add a third dimension to compute volume from a 2D array of elevation values

    • Imagine dividing the domain up into 1 cubic meter blocks - your elevation values are like stacks of these 1-m cubes above some reference datum

  • Volume (and volume change) calculations are common operations with gridded DEMs. The analysis is often referred to as “cut/fill”. For example:

    • Measuring quarry slag pile volume

    • Measuring ice sheet and glacier change

  • Let’s start with a simple example

Compute the volume of Whidbey Island above sea level#

  • First, we need an area over which to compute volume

  • Extract the Whidbey Island polygon from the WA state geometry

#If using the 500k state outlines, Whidbey is at index 7 in the MultiPolygon
whidbey_geom = wa_geom.geoms[7]
#Define a GeoSeries for easy plotting using GeoPandas
whidbey_gdf = gpd.GeoSeries(whidbey_geom)
0    POLYGON ((535640.328 5348457.490, 535403.340 5...
dtype: geometry
  • Now, mask the projected DEM dataset using this geometry

    • Note, rio.mask.mask expects an iterable “shape”, not a single geometry, so need to create and pass a single-element list object containing the whidbey_geom (something like [whidbey_geom,])

    • Use the same parameters that we used when clipping to the WA state geometry above

whidbey_ma, whidbey_out_transform = rio.mask.mask(src_proj, [whidbey_geom,], **rio_mask_kwargs)
whidbey_ma_extent = rio.plot.plotting_extent(whidbey_ma, whidbey_out_transform)
(517068.30347175116, 548623.8474614524, 5305801.594847063, 5362175.333565047)

Create a plot of clipped Whidbey DEM#

  • Verify that you have a masked array of elevation values, with unmasked values only over the Whidbey polygon

  • Extra credit: add hillshade, colorbar and scalebar

#Student Exercise

Define a “bottom” surface for our volume calculation#

  • Let’s use a constant elevation above the geoid (mean sea level) as our “baseline” elevation

    • Since our DEM values are height above the EGM96 geoid, we can use 0 here

    • Note that this bottom surface can also be more complex: a planar fit to elevations around a polygon, lake bathymetry, etc.

#Student Exercise

Compute the volume#

  • Compute the height of the DEM above this “baseline” elevation

  • Convert the total volume to km^3

  • Two potential methods:

    1. Use the known pixel size (remember res attribute of projected rasterio dataset) to compute the area of each pixel in m^2, then multiply by the height in m

    2. Determine mean height above the “baseline” elevation and multiply by total polygon area

  • Try to do a sanity check here

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
Volume estimate, method 1: 28.61 km3
Volume estimate, method 2: 29.47 km3

Note: The volume estimates from the two approaches are slightly different because the 500K polygon geometry is not quite the same as the mask that the DEM creators used to mask water. You can see this in the figure above, note areas with hillshade pixels but no color overlay.

We’re gonna need a bigger boat…#

Create a function to compute the area and volume of whidbey island above sea level for:#

  • 1 meter of sea level rise

  • 10 meters of sea level rise

  • 20 meters of sea level rise

  • 66 meters of sea level rise (roughly the total if all land ice melted, without accounting for thermal expansion)

Add a visualization component to your function#

  • Create plots using the whidbey Polygon as “reference shoreline”, and plot valid DEM values above the sea level with fixed color ramp limits

  • Extra credit: add notation for area and volume above sea level

#def slr_plot(dem_ma, sl=0):
#Student Exercise
slr_values = (1,10,20,66)
for i in slr_values:
    slr_plot(whidbey_ma, sl=i)
../../_images/07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample_exercises_52_0.png ../../_images/07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample_exercises_52_1.png ../../_images/07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample_exercises_52_2.png ../../_images/07_Raster2_DEMs_Warp_Clip_Sample_exercises_52_3.png

Extra Credit: Create area and volume inundation curves#

  • Starting with sea level of 0, increase by 1 m increments until Whidbey is totally submerged

  • Create plots for:

    • exposed area vs sea level

    • exposed volume vs sea level

  • Are the curves linear?

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Part 3: Sampling a raster at points#

Say you have some point data (e.g., lat/lon of field sites) and you need elevation values for your anlysis. Do you need to go back out and collect new GPS positions? No! You can extract elevation values from an existing DEM!

This is a surprisingly common requirement, though it is not always simple to implement. Let’s discuss a few options:

  1. Simple rasterio sampling with integer indices using value from nearest raster cell (nearest neighbor)

  2. Interpolated elevation from nearby pixels (e.g., bilinear interpolation)

  3. Statistics extracted for a circular buffer around each point location (e.g., median for all pixels within 90 m radius of the point)

Sample the clipped WA DEM at the WA GLAS points#

  • Let’s start simple, using the rasterio sample function, which takes a list of (x,y) tuples in projected coordinates and returns nearest neighbor values from the raster

Load the GLAS points, reproject and clip to WA state#

  • We did all of this in previous labs, so I’m including sample code here

#Define path to the GLAS csv file
glas_fn = '~/jupyterbook/book/modules/01_Shell_Github/data/GLAH14_tllz_conus_lulcfilt_demfilt.csv'
#Prepare geodataframe
glas_df = pd.read_csv(glas_fn)
glas_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(glas_df, crs='EPSG:4326', geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(glas_df['lon'], glas_df['lat']))

#Reproject to match our raster crs
glas_gdf_utm = glas_gdf.to_crs(src_proj.crs)

#Return points that intersect WA state geometry
glas_gdf_utm_wa = glas_gdf_utm.loc[glas_gdf_utm.intersects(wa_geom)]
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry
467 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.291775 -124.037745 -23.44 -23.53 0.00 31 POINT (420068.610 5126989.811)
468 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.293329 -124.038072 -23.11 -23.54 0.00 31 POINT (420045.685 5127162.809)
469 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.294880 -124.038399 -23.98 -22.78 0.26 31 POINT (420022.757 5127335.473)
470 2003.143756 731268.470840 46.302568 -124.040034 -24.61 -23.72 0.11 31 POINT (419908.041 5128191.352)
471 2003.143756 731268.470840 46.304107 -124.040358 -23.92 -23.73 0.00 31 POINT (419885.336 5128362.681)

Prepare the coordinate arrays to pass to rio sample function#

I included some sample output for the first 10 records to make sure you’re on the right track.

#Student Exercise
First 10 records...
[(420068.6096560212, 5126989.811026542),
 (420045.6845556927, 5127162.808572696),
 (420022.756572206, 5127335.47293138),
 (419908.0411685074, 5128191.352440438),
 (419885.33555505634, 5128362.681306876),
 (410564.59385410615, 5197909.486655028),
 (410541.06220828043, 5198082.008111783),
 (410517.52547154634, 5198254.085230813),
 (401004.50357059937, 5269865.468511085),
 (400982.6047505999, 5270037.926469663)]
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
First 10 records...
array([  0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   0,   0,   4,  91, 132], dtype=int16)

Deal with nodata#

  • Some of our GLAS points are located over areas where we don’t have valid elevation measurements in the DEM

  • These will have the raster nodata value (e.g., 0 in the SRTM-GL1 products)

  • Set these to np.nan

#Check raster dataset nodata value
#Need to convert to float here, as DEM samples are int16 and np.nan is float
glas_dem_elev = glas_dem_elev.astype(float)
glas_dem_elev[glas_dem_elev == src_proj.nodata] = np.nan
#glas_dem_elev = np.ma.masked_equal(glas_dem_elev, src_proj.nodata)

Store the sampled elevation values as a new column in the glas_gdf_utm_wa GeoDataFrame#

glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample'] = glas_dem_elev
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
decyear ordinal lat lon glas_z dem_z dem_z_std lulc geometry dem_rio_sample
467 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.291775 -124.037745 -23.44 -23.53 0.00 31 POINT (420068.610 5126989.811) NaN
468 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.293329 -124.038072 -23.11 -23.54 0.00 31 POINT (420045.685 5127162.809) NaN
469 2003.143756 731268.470838 46.294880 -124.038399 -23.98 -22.78 0.26 31 POINT (420022.757 5127335.473) NaN
470 2003.143756 731268.470840 46.302568 -124.040034 -24.61 -23.72 0.11 31 POINT (419908.041 5128191.352) NaN
471 2003.143756 731268.470840 46.304107 -124.040358 -23.92 -23.73 0.00 31 POINT (419885.336 5128362.681) 1.0

Create a plot of your new sampled elevation values#

  • Can visualize over shaded relief map or DEM

  • Optional: include a subplot with GLAS values with same color scale

#Student Exercise

Extra Credit: Compare sampled DEM elevation with the GLAS elevation (glas_z)#

glas_gdf_utm_wa['glas_dem_diff'] = glas_gdf_utm_wa['glas_z'] - glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample']
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)

What is median offset?#

  • Think back to Lab03 where we learned about datums and elevations reported as height above ellipsoid vs. height above geoid (mean sea level)


Prepare EGM96 geoid offset grid#

#From PROJ7 cloud-hosted datum grids: https://cdn.proj.org/
url = 'https://cdn.proj.org/us_nga_egm96_15.tif'
src_egm96 = rio.open(url)
{'driver': 'GTiff', 'dtype': 'float32', 'nodata': None, 'width': 1440, 'height': 721, 'count': 1, 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(4979), 'transform': Affine(0.25, 0.0, -180.125,
       0.0, -0.25, 90.125), 'blockxsize': 256, 'blockysize': 256, 'tiled': True, 'compress': 'deflate', 'interleave': 'band'}
egm96 = src_egm96.read(1)
egm96_extent = rio.plot.plotting_extent(src_egm96)
np.percentile(egm96, (2,98))
array([-60.25124443,  59.33671082])

Prepare EGM96 offset grid figure#

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
clim = (-60,60)
#Contour interval
cint = 10
clevels=np.arange(np.floor(egm96.min()/cint)*cint, np.ceil(egm96.max()/cint)*cint, cint)
#This function is defined later in the notebook
#egm96_hs,_,_ = hillshade(egm96)
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,7))
m = ax.imshow(egm96, extent=egm96_extent, cmap='RdBu', clim=clim, alpha=0.5, zorder=1)
#ax.imshow(egm96_hs, cmap='gray', extent=egm96_extent, zorder=0)
c_color = 'k'
cs = ax.contour(egm96, origin='image', extent=egm96_extent, linewidths=0.25, alpha=1.0, colors=c_color, levels=clevels)
ax.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%0.0f', colors=c_color, fontsize=6)
world.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', lw=1, edgecolor='k', zorder=2)
plt.colorbar(m, label='Orthometric (geoid) - Ellipsoid height (m)', extend='both');
ax.set_title('EGM96 Geoid Offset Relative to WGS84 Ellipsoid');

TODO: warp egm96 offset grid to match the reprojected DEM grid, then sample

Sample the EGM96 offset grid at GLAS points#

#Prepare (lon, lat) tuples
glas_coord_latlon = list(zip(glas_gdf_utm_wa['lon'], glas_gdf_utm_wa['lat']))
glas_dem_elev_offset = np.fromiter(src_egm96.sample(glas_coord_latlon), dtype=egm96.dtype)
array([-23.04253 , -23.04253 , -23.04253 , ..., -23.190092, -23.190092,
       -23.190092], dtype=float32)
#Add the offset to the EGM96 elevations to obtain elevations relative to ellipsoid
glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample_HAE'] = glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample'] + glas_dem_elev_offset
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
#Compare new elevations with GLAS elevations
glas_gdf_utm_wa['glas_dem_diff_HAE'] = glas_gdf_utm_wa['glas_z'] - glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample_HAE']
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)

Not perfect agreement (median bias due to different input raster resolution/projection for DEM grid and EGM96 grid, plus nearest neighbor sampling), but at least we’re comparing apples to apples, with both elevations representing height above ellipsoid

Notes on sampling coarse rasters or noisy rasters at integer pixel locations#

Extra Credit: Compute stats for circular buffer polygon around each GLAS point using Zonal Statistics#

  • Buffer with width of 3x the DEM resolution (in meters) and compare with the nearest neighbor values from rasterio sample above

buff_width = src_proj.res[0]*3
#Create new GeoDataSeries of buffered polygons
glas_gdf_utm_wa_buff = glas_gdf_utm_wa.buffer(buff_width)
467      POLYGON ((420274.855 5126989.811, 420273.862 5...
468      POLYGON ((420251.930 5127162.809, 420250.937 5...
469      POLYGON ((420229.002 5127335.473, 420228.009 5...
470      POLYGON ((420114.287 5128191.352, 420113.293 5...
471      POLYGON ((420091.581 5128362.681, 420090.588 5...
65068    POLYGON ((426378.231 5138031.192, 426377.238 5...
65069    POLYGON ((426350.848 5137859.495, 426349.855 5...
65070    POLYGON ((426295.694 5137516.106, 426294.701 5...
65071    POLYGON ((426267.999 5137344.413, 426267.006 5...
65072    POLYGON ((426240.302 5137172.610, 426239.309 5...
Length: 5298, dtype: geometry
ax = glas_gdf_utm_wa_buff.plot()
#Zoom in, these are circles (buffered polygon around points)
ax = glas_gdf_utm_wa_buff.plot()
ax.set_xlim(581385.0, 612105.0)
ax.set_ylim(5174595.0, 5205315.0)
(5174595.0, 5205315.0)
#Define relevant stats for our sampling
stats=['count', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'std']
#Compute zonal stats for buffered circles around each point using rasterstats
#Note: this could require a few minutes
glas_zonal_stats = rasterstats.zonal_stats(glas_gdf_utm_wa_buff, wa_ma, \
                                           affine=wa_ma_transform, nodata=src_proj.nodata, stats=stats)
[{'count': 0, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'median': None, 'std': None},
 {'count': 0, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'median': None, 'std': None},
 {'count': 0, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'median': None, 'std': None},
 {'min': -1.0,
  'max': 3.0,
  'count': 4,
  'std': 1.4142135623730951,
  'median': 1.0},
 {'min': -1.0,
  'max': 11.0,
  'count': 14,
  'std': 2.8437184624849117,
  'median': 1.5}]
#Create a dataframe from the list of dict objects, using original index
glas_zonal_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(glas_zonal_stats, index=glas_gdf_utm_wa_buff.index)
count min max median std
467 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
468 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
469 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
470 4 -1.0 3.0 1.0 1.414214
471 14 -1.0 11.0 1.5 2.843718
... ... ... ... ... ...
65068 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
65069 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
65070 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
65071 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
65072 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN

5298 rows × 5 columns

glas_gdf_utm_wa['buff_med_vs_rio_sample'] = glas_gdf_utm_wa['dem_rio_sample'] - glas_zonal_stats_df['median']
glas_gdf_utm_wa['buff_med_std'] = glas_zonal_stats_df['std']
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1443: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
<Axes: >
f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,3))
glas_gdf_utm_wa.plot(ax=axa[0], column='buff_med_vs_rio_sample', vmin=-30, vmax=30, cmap='RdBu', s=2, legend=True)
axa[0].set_title('Rasterio sample minus buffered zonal stats')
glas_gdf_utm_wa.plot(ax=axa[1], column='buff_med_std', s=2, vmin=0, vmax=80, legend=True);
axa[1].set_title('Buffered zonal stats std')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Buffered zonal stats std')

Greatest disagreement is over mountainous areas, where observed std within each ~420 m diameter sample is relatively high

Extra Credit: Do the GLAS points provide a good sample of the observed WA state hypsometry?#

  • Hypsometry is just total area in different elevation bins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypsometry)

  • Plot histogram for your clipped WA DEM

  • Plot the histogram of your glas sites on the same axes using the same bins

#Student Exercise

Part 4: Zonal Stats#

Which sections of WA highways are surrounded by the steepest slopes?#

  • Requires sampling a derived DEM product (slope) around Polyline objects (highways)

  • This is important for geohazards (rockfall, avalanches)

  • You can probably make an informed guess here based on knowledge of the terrain and WA highway network

  • Note that in practice, you would want to higher resolution DEM with higher accuracy (e.g., DTM from airborne lidar), but same concept/method applies

Compute surface slope#

  • Easy to use gdaldem command line utility here (like hillshade generation above) to create a new tif file with slope values

  • Can also compute slope directly from our DEM array using np.gradient

slope_fn = os.path.splitext(proj_fn)[0]+'_slope.tif'
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Prepare highway data#

from datetime import datetime
year = datetime.now().year - 2
#year = 2021

#Link to WA DOT highway data (requires updating each year)
#wa_dot_highway_url = 'https://data.wsdot.wa.gov/geospatial/DOT_TDO/LRS/Historic/500kLRS_2020.zip'
wa_dot_highway_url = f'https://data.wsdot.wa.gov/geospatial/DOT_TDO/LRS/500kLRS_{year}.zip'
#Relative path of the shapefile within the zip archive
wa_dot_highway_shp_fn = f'500k/sr500klines_{year}1231.shp'

Load the shapefile to GeoPandas GeoDataFrame#

#Open zip file and contained shapefile on-the-fly with GeoPandas
highways_gdf = gpd.read_file(f'zip+{wa_dot_highway_url}!{wa_dot_highway_shp_fn}')
highways_gdf_utm = highways_gdf.to_crs(src_proj.crs)
0 212.81 213.46 EA 2 US 2 20211231 002 002 None None 3413.387059 LINESTRING (2077763.828 891111.197, 2077970.07...
1 213.46 242.68 EA 2 US 2 20211231 002 002 None None 154217.182705 LINESTRING (2080916.017 889804.703, 2082959.44...
2 242.68 243.47 EA 2 US 2 20211231 002 002 None None 4116.114242 LINESTRING (2217709.066 854913.089, 2219863.05...
3 243.47 253.01 EA 2 US 2 20211231 002 002 None None 50376.876336 LINESTRING (2221786.174 855269.331, 2222649.58...
4 253.01 255.89 EA 2 US 2 20211231 002 002 None None 15290.597916 LINESTRING (2271741.605 859012.973, 2277739.38...
f, ax = plt.subplots()
wa_state.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')

Compute polygons for a 100 m buffer around the polylines#

  • Remember that the output of buffer is a GeoSeries of Polygons - want to create a new GeoDataFrame and use this as the geometry

  • Plot as sanity check. Sample plot shows zoomed in region over I-5 and I-90 interchange, with original lines and buffered polygons in blue

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Now use rasterstats.zonal_stats to compute slope statistics within those polygons#

  • See the rasterstats documentation: https://pythonhosted.org/rasterstats/manual.html#zonal-statistics

  • The docs example uses a shapefile on disk and raster on disk, but we already have our features and raster loaded in memory!

    • Can pass in the GeoDataFrame containing buffered Polygon features instead of a filename

    • Can pass in the slope NumPy array instead of the raster filename, but need to provide the appropriate rasterio dataset transform to the affine keyword

      • Should also pass the appropriate rasterio dataset nodata value

  • Compute stats and add the following columns to the highways_gdf_utm geodataframe for each highway segment:

    • mean slope

    • std of slope (a roughness metric)

  • Create some plots to visualize

    • If you’re plotting the GeoDataFrame containing the original LINESTRING geometry objects, choose an appropriate linewidth

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Which section of the highway might you close first during periods of extreme winter weather? ✍️#

#Student Exercise
#Student Exercise

Extra Credit#

Try one or more of the following:

  1. Explore different buffer widths - do your results change?

  2. Compute zonal stats for the elevation values (not slope values)

    • Which highway sections cover the greatest elevation range?

  3. Compute the slope along the highway polylines, not zonal stats for slope of surrounding terrain

    • Probably want to sample your DEM at points here and compute rise (elevation change) over run (distance between points)

  4. Repeat some of the above analysis for WA rivers or watersheds

Extra Credit: explore some spatial functions with xarray-spatial#

  • We will cover xarray data model in a few weeks, but check out some of the raster/DEM functionality in this new package

Extra Credit: explore some hydrologic functions with RichDEM#